Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Thanks for the heads-up, Greg

In today's News & Observer, Greg Cox offers a hot list of kid-friendly restaurants.

My translation: Places I should avoid at all costs, for the sake of my safety, sanity and overall well-being. *shudder*

It's not just the childfree snob in me who seeks to keep the kiddies at arm's length. I used to wait tables, so I have insta-sympathy for servers who have to scrape dried mac'n'cheese and macerated saltines off industrial carpeting and hose down high chairs sticky with apple juice and saliva. I cringe just thinking about it.

You want child-friendly? You can have it. I'll go somewhere else.

However, Elmo's gets a pass. Elmo's diners are such a mishmash that the people-watching is almost guaranteed interesting and rarely annoying.

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